Weather in
the Sonoita area is usually dry, sunny and warm. Winter temperatures
average between 20-60F with occasional snow and rain. Spring is very
temperate with the thermometer registering 50 - 80F. The summer-fall
temperatures average between 80-95F. Our monsoon season starts in July
and lasts for two to three months. Please enjoy the storm photos page. The climate encourages outdoor activities
year round.

Terrain here
is rolling grasslands and cienegas. Sonoita lies in a wide valley
surrounded by mountains. Oak and pine forests are found in the higher
elevations. The arroyos found across the cienega may have occasional
flash floods during the monsoon season.
Altitude is 4,987 feet
above sea level and some folks may experience shortness of breath when
exercising vigorously.
Take time out for a chuckle on
the Rancher's Humor page. No Bull!
(Okay, maybe a little...)